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    Tuesday, 14 March 2017

    What I eat day to day

    Good evening! So as I said in one of my previous posts Tips to stay healthy in 2017 this year I'm trying to be a lot more healthier, as this year I'm getting married and I couldn't be more excited...ahhh!

    Not going to lie changing my eating habits hasn't been the easiest, especially when there's a constant supply of sweets and treats in work. I've fallen of the wagon a couple times, but hey you can't eat clean all the time. I believe that the more you starve yourself of something the more you will crave it, so I'm concentrating on eating healthy during the week, and then treating myself a  little on the weekends- it's all about balance! 

    I defiantly manage to stay on track more when I've sat down and written my meal plan for the week and prepared all my lunches and breakfasts in advance. Also it really helps when I leave my purse at home, as I don't have the temptation to pop out at lunch and buy junk.

    So what do I tend to eat?

    I usually have a protein smoothie for my breakfast, as more often than not I'm in a rush and this is something I can prepare in advance & freeze the fruit and then quickly blend before I run out the door.

    Using protein powders is a great way of including more protein in your diet, which our body needs to be able to prepare its self, especially if you are working out on a regular basis. Also you may not realise, but our hair and nails are mostly made out of protein, so if you find yours are brittle and weak it may be down to lack of protein. 

    Most protein powders contain milk proteins, which isn't great when you are lactose intolerant! I tend to stick to Vegan powders, as I know these will be totally free from milk. Over the last couple of years I've tried loads of different brands and flavours and not been impressed with any of them, due to them being bland and lacking in taste. However this MyProtein Active Women Banana and Cinnamon is quite the opposite, it actually tastes like the flavour it should and is yummy when just added to almond milk for a post work out re fuel or when blended with fruit and veg.

    My current favourite flavours are...

    All Things Green:
    1 x green apple
    Big handful of spinach
    1 x celery stalk
    1 x cup of green tea,
    25g scoop of protein powder

    1 x cup of strawberries,
    ½ cup of blueberries
    1 x banana
    1 tsp of cinnamon
    300ml almond milk
    25g scoop of protein powder

    Coffee Kick:
    1 x banana
    ½ cup of brewed coffee
    Couple of drops of vanilla extract
    25g scoop of protein powder
    200ml of Alpro vanilla yoghurt

    On the weekends when I've got a little more time, I'll cook myself a omelette topped with ham spinach and mushrooms.

    As part of my pre wedding health kick I swapped bread for Ryvita Dark Rye, so the majority of my lunches involves these topped with ether smashed avocado, smoked salmon or eggs. I try to pick toppings high in protein to keep me full up for longer, as when I get bored I tend to snack… a lot!

    Smashed Avocado:
    ½ avocado
    1 large tomato or 5/6 cherry tomatoes
    ¼ yellow pepper (or red or green whichever you prefer)
    ½ tsp cumin
    ½ paprika

    I season with a sprinkling of black pepper, squeeze of lemon and then top with pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

    After walking home from work and then taking the dog out, I am starving so I like to make dishes that are full of flavour but quick to cook. I love making Bolognese, stir-fry, and Thai green curry. I don't cut out carbs from my evening meals, I just eat healthier carbs like wholemeal rice and pasta, sweet potatoes or rice noodles. My go to recipe book is Joe Wicks Lean in 15 book, it's full of high protein meals which are easy adaptable if you don't have all the ingredients in your cupboards. 

    5% fat beef mince
    1/2 red onion
    2 handfuls of chopped mushrooms
    220g tinned chopped tomatoes
    1 tsp Thyme 
    1 tsp Oregano
    Pepper to season 

    Served with wholemeal pasta and a side of greens.

    To keep me from reaching for the biscuit tin or closet packet of sweets I make sure I always have some healthy snacks stashed in my bag or work draw. 

    My go to snacks are:
    Rice cakes topped with peanut butter- Be careful when buying peanut butter, as lots have added sugar in. 
    Fruit, either a green apple or blueberries
    Carrot sticks and humours
    Portion of nuts
    Protein shake

     Also I've found that if I drink a glass of water before my meals it helps me to get fuller more quickly and then I'm fuller for longer and don't snack as much. 

    So that's what I eat :) Please share your recipes with me as I'm always looking for new inspirations. 

    AJ Blogs x

    Friday, 17 February 2017

    Baggy Jumper & Boots

    With spring just around the corner, it’s time to start putting your cosy winter knits to the back of your wardrobe and dusting of your denim jackets ready for some (hopefully) warmer weather and sunny days.

    I’m not a great lover of winter, so I can’t wait for the season to change and be able to step out without a million layers on- let’s be honest I think we’ve had our fair share of cold weather now, it’s been bitter for the last few weeks!


    I’ve already started planning my spring wardrobe and ordered this oversized slogan jumper from Megan McKenna’s Street Edit, which she has collaborated with Miss Pap on. I teamed the jumper with chockerknee high socks and timberlands for a relaxed day time look, perfect for a lunch date or afternoon of tea and cake, as you can eat as much as you like without having to worry about seeing your post pig out bulge.

    This jumper can so easily be dressed down like I’ve done, or team it with some over the knee boots, slicked back hair and statement earrings for a glam evening look. The only down fall is that they only come in S/M and M/L, so the sleeves are a bit too long for me :(

    There’s lots more great pieces in the collection, including more baggy jumpers, denim jackets and boots- I’m sure I’ll be buying more pieces!  

    I’ll be posting more spring outfit inspiration over the next few weeks, so if you want to know as soon as a post goes live please follow me on Bloglovin’ or subscribe :) 

    AJ Blogs x  

    Friday, 10 February 2017

    Valentines Gift & Date Ideas

    A lot of people think valentine day is a con for retailers and restaurants to whack up their prices and make a tidy profit. I however am an old romantic and love putting that little extra effort in to remind my fiancé how much he means to me. Its only one day a year, and it’s a nice little pick me up following the January blues. So if you’re a romantic at heart like me and looking for ideas on what to get your loved ones this valentine’s day or for inspiration on how to celebrate? Look no further, here are my gift ideas for whether you want to splurge, spend or save and they’re all available on the high street for those last minute shopping sprees!   

    For Her

    Pamper treats. Girls love to be pampered- I know I sure do! Spa days are a great present to treat your loved and it’s something the two of you can do together. Recently me and James went to Thermae Bath Spa for their Twilight package, it was amazing!  We spent ages just reclining, gazing at the stars and admiring the spectacular views of Bath in the open air roof top pool, before hoping back into our complimentary robs & slippers and wandering down to the aromatic steam rooms. There was 4 different steam rooms to choose from which all smelt divine and after spending time in each room, we came out feeling refreshed and relaxed. 

    Once we’d spent a couple of hours enjoying the spa we then headed up to the Springs Café for a meal and drink, which was all included in the package. The food was delicious, and it was a lovely way to end the evening. All in all it was a great experience, I would definitely recommend it. However if Bath isn't local to you Champneys have spas across the country, and I've heard great reviews about them.

    One gift I always look forward to receiving is luxury body washes and moisturisers, so I can pamper myself whenever I have time. Molton Brown have an amazing range of gift sets for both men and women, which all come beautifully wrapped in tissue paper and then packaged in their iconic brown boxes. Their Japenese Organge gift set smells incredible!

    If you’re looking to save the pennies create your own spa and pamper treatment at home. Run a bath, light some candles pour your partner a glass of wine and get a box of chocolates at the ready. 

    Make it personal. You don’t have to spend a fortune to show your love for someone, it’s that personal touch that means the most. Buy a nice picture frame and print of your favourite photo of the two of you, or a photo that marks an occasion like first date, anniversary or wedding day. Next and Asda have a great range of photo frames. But if you do want to splash out, Thomas Sabo has a gorgeous selection of engrave-able necklaces and bracelets for you to add a special note- there currently offering 15% off all heart jewellery too! 

    Fragrance. Buying perfume is a popular gift, and there's nothing better than getting another bottle of your favourite fragrance, when  your close to running out.  If you don’t just want to give the same old perfume, get it as a gift set, then it's something you know she'll like but with the added extra of a body lotion too. My fav fragrances are Micahel Kors Sexy AmberPaco Rabanne Olympea and Viktor & Rolf Flower Bomb (which I've just ran out of hint hint!).

    Be cute. Cheesy presents are always a winner on Valentine’s Day. Whether you stick with the common present of a dozen red roses, grab a mug that declares your love, or buy a light box to leave soppy messages to each other. 

    For Him

    So what can you get for the man in your life? I always struggle finding the perfect gift for my partner, as he is too good at buying gifts. It’s not even like he spends months planning what to get, he will literally go out the day before my birthday or on Christmas Eve and come home with amazing presents.

    Fragrance. Like girls, guys like to shower themselves in their favourite fragrance, so you can play it safe by picking them up a bottle of their favourite aftershave. Joop Homme & Davidoff Cool Water smell great.

    Clothing. Unless you know your partner really well I wouldn't suggest buying clothing, as it can be a real hit or miss at times. Me and James have been together over 5 years now, so I know what styles he likes and his favourite brands. He really like Ralph Lauren shirts, so he would be well chuffed to receive this. 

    Beard Grooming. If you're like me and like a clean shaven man, then a new beard trimmer and grooming products is the gift for your beau. Nivea have a great range of men’s toiletry’s and Babyliss have lots of different shavers. 

    Accessories. If you really want to treat your boyfriend you could splash out and buy him a new watch or designer wallet, something you know he'll use a lot. This Citizen watch currently has 50% off at H Samuel- Bargain! 

    Date Ideas
    If you’re not into buying each other present's, here's my top five ideas on how to celebrate v-day with your love...

    1. You could grab a couple of glasses, bottle of Prosecco, blanket and head to your local park for an evening star gazing.  

    2. Cook up a storm in the Kitchen! Who needs to go to a miscellan star restaurant, when you could don your apron and whip up your own three course meal of your other half’s favourite foods.

    3. Have a date night at the cinema, it’s Meerkat Tuesdays and there’s loads of new films out. Maybe you could persuade the boyf to watch 50 shades darker?

    4. Pack a picnic and head out on a bike ride exploring your city.   

    5. Let your loved one have an extra hour in bed, whilst you do the morning jobs like walking the dog, dropping the kids to school and putting the washing on- the little things really do mean a lot.

    Happy Valentine’s Day! 

    AJ Blogs x 

    P.S. Don’t forget to pick up a card! 

    Thursday, 2 February 2017

    Lactose Intolerance

    Any one who knows me, knows how much I love food. So when I was diagnosed lactose intolerant two years ago it was my idea of hell. It came as quite a shock, as before then I'd eaten dairy almost everyday of my life with no problems and I just couldn't understand how it could change so suddenly. 

    Before I was diagnosed I had constant sharp stomach pains, uncomfortable bloating, diarrhoea almost every day and lost just under a stone in weight. Eating went from being something enjoyable to a chore. 

    The side effects had a big effect on my life, I found myself turning downs plans with my friends and boyfriend to stay at home instead- I was too scared to go out encase I got ill. The few times I did venture out the first thing I would do was look for the loo, then the rest of the time I would spend panicking about what would happen if I got a dodgy stomach. My handbag essential was no longer a hairbrush, but a box of Imodium, which I got through by the bucket load. 

    I seemed to spend my life sat in the waiting room of the doctors, only to be told time and time again that I had IBS triggered by stress, apparently it was common for girls of my age! My doctor prescribed me 3 different types of medication for IBS, which I forked out a fortune paying for them, to find they made no difference. To be honest I wasn't that keen on taking them either, as why would I want to fill my stomach with tablets I knew wouldn't help?!

    After a year of going back and forth, I was fed of feeling like I wasn't being taken seriously and my doctor treating me like I was 12 not 21. My mum was fed up too, as she could see the upset it was causing me, so she booked an appointment and we both went along. It took my mum telling my doctor exactly what I'd been telling him for the last year for him to finally realise I wasn't just making it up, and if the medication wasn't working, then we needed to look into it further. He finally referred me to the gastroenterology department at my local hospital for tests, hallelujah!

    I had zillions of blood tests (even passed out in the chair a couple of times, as me, blood and needles don't mix!), 2 ultrasounds, 3 breath tests and another year of agony before it was confirmed I was lactose intolerant. As we all do, before being diagnosed I 'Googled' my symptoms and at one point I generally thought I was dying, so I was over the moon to find out what had been causing my body so much upset. Word of advice- don't believe everything you read on Google!

    When I had an appointment with a dietician it really hit me how many food products contained dairy or traces of it, and the effect being lactose intolerant would have on my life. Striping my diet back and starting from scratch was difficult, it was so easy to slip up and fall back into old habits. I would make myself a cup a tea without even thinking, then immediately after regret it.

    Breaking bad habits wasn't the hardest part though, the hardest part was learning to like the new tastes and textures of diary free foods, it took months. At first I started off covering my foods in sauces and spices to mask the taste, then eventually one day something in my brain clicked and they tasted normal to me. The foods I was now eating, were the foods I used to turn my nose up at. 

    Now a couple of years on Being dairy free isn't such a burden, there is such an amazing range of free from foods in the majority of supermarkets, most restaurants have a dairy free menu (make sure you ask), and with more and more people opting to following Vegan or Paleo diets there's so many recipes floating round the web. 

    Also I have discovered 'Super Lactase Enzyme Tablets' in Holland & Barrett, which are a life saver if I'm ever craving anything I shouldn't! You just take one tablet before you eat the dairy product, then the enzyme breaks down the food so your body is able to digest it.  Not the cheapest at £11.99 a pot, but there often in the Holland & Barrett Penny Sale, where you get a second pot for 1p- bargain!

     Super Lactase Enzyme

    What I've learnt from this experience- you know your body better than anybody, don't let anyone tell you your fine, when you know your not. If you feel like your not being listened too, be persistent.

    AJ x

    Sunday, 29 January 2017

    Skincare Routine

    Hey guys, so today’s post is going to be about my skincare routine. At the beginning of the January it really hit me that I'm getting married this year and I should really start putting some effort in to looking after my skin, after all no one wants to walk down the aisle with an outbreak of spots or a greasy forehead.

    I've never really had a ‘skincare routine’ before and didn't even moisturise my face (so bad!), but I'm starting to change my ways. My skin used to be dry, rough and prone to breakout on my forehead and chin, now after just a couple of weeks I can already see a great difference. Also it helps that I'm making sure I drink enough water, eat my greens and have my five a day. 

    I've been using L'Oreal Paris Skin Perfection Radiance Revealing Exfoliator  to wash my face in the mornings. Some exfoliating face washes can be rough, this is gentle, smells great and my skin is fresh and glowing afterwards.

    In the evenings before I go to bed I cleanse using Garnier Micellar Cleansing WaterOut of all the beauty products I'm currently using this is my top recommendation, I can't fault it! I'm prone to getting dry patches and the skin around my eyes can be really sensitive. In the past using other branded cleansers my face has been left stinging and red, however Garnier Micellar is so light and kind to skin, that I'm left with no irritation.  Also it removes make up easily without out having to aggressively rub your face, including eye make up which can be a real pain to get off at times! 

    Then I've been using Garnier Vitamin Enriched Toner its soothing and contains  pro-vitamin B5, which helps keep the skin hydrated. You should always use toner after cleansing, as cleansing opens the pours and toner closes them. Otherwise your pours will end up blocked, causing dewy skin, breakouts and black outs. 

    As I said I've only recently started moisturising my face, which is why L'Oreal Paris Triple Active Nourish Intense Hydrating Moisturiser is the perfect choice for me. It's targeted at people with dry skin and is a rich moisturiser aiming to improve the skins protective barrier, protect against premature skin ageing and rehydrate the skin. For a moisturiser with so many aims, you would think it would be heavy and greasy, but in fact it's the opposite. Before I started moisturising I had a few white hard dots on my face, which I have been told are caused by dehydration, now from using this product and drinking more water I'm slowly starting to see them disappear (yippee) and my face is a million times more soft and smoother. 

    About twice a week my skin gets a extra pamper from L’Oreal Paris Pure Clay Detox Mask. It's a clay mask combined with charcoal, which acts as a magnet to draw out impurities. I picked this mask as I get blackheads, as I'm sure like a lot of you girls (and boys) do too from the daily grinds of day to day life. The Detox Mask really works deep into your pours to clear them out, without the burning sensation that comes with some face masks. Simply apply, leave for 5-10 minutes, then wash off and hey presto your skin will be left looking purer and clearer. 

    L'Oreal also have two other face masks in their clay range L'Oreal Paris Pure Clay Purity Mask great for greasy skin and L'Oreal Paris Pure Clay Glow Mask to make your skin more luminous. If you have combination skin you may find it handy to get all three, as then you can target the different areas of your face. 

    I'm getting amazing results from just taking that extra 10 minutes a day to give my skin some TLC, I just wish I started years sooner! 

    Got any tips or tricks, please do share :) 

    AJ x 

    P.S. Boots currently have an offer on L'Oreal Paris skincare, If your interested in buying any of the above.

    Sunday, 15 January 2017

    Tips to stay healthy in 2017

    January is one of the worst months for trying to stay healthy, as we all still have chocolate and treats leftover from Christmas, and lets be honest most people have January Blues following the festive period.

    I've put together a few tips which are helping me stay on the bandwagon and get fit in 2017. I've got no excuses this year, as we're getting married in September and every bride wants to look their best on their big day!

    Clean out your cupboards
    Start off by cleaning out your cupboards, get rid off all the unhealthy treats and replace with healthy snacks like nuts, berries and fruits. Like they say out of sight, out of mind.

    Food prep
    Food prep is major factor when trying to eat healthier. If you don't prep your meals in advance or plan your menu for the week ahead, you'll end up grabbing what is most convenient, which is usually junk food or takeaways.
    Every Sunday evening I spend a hour or so bulk preping all our breakfast, lunches and snacks for the week ahead, so we know exactly what we're eating and when. This also makes my morning rush a lot easier!

    Eat your greens
    I know everyone says it, but eating your greens really does work wonders for your health. Greens are high in iron and vitamins, so you'll find you'll have more energy, clear skin, strong nails and glossy hair.

    An easy way of eating more greens is sticking a handful of spinach or kale in your morning smoothie. This also works a treat if your not to keen on the taste, as the rest of the ingredients in your smoothie will help mask the taste.

    Drink more water
    Our bodies are composed of approximately 55- 80% water, depending on our size. The amount of water we drink each plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy body. There are so many health benefits of drinking enough water including improving our mood, reducing tiredness, decreasing cravings, flushing out toxins, helping digestion and aiding weight lost!

    It is recommended that we should aim to drink at least 2 litres of water a day, which is something I really struggle with as I often forget to drink. So I started the year by buying a new water bottle to help me track exactly what I drink, and I'd recommend you do the same.

    If you don't particular like the taste of water, try drinking green tea or hot water with lemon instead.

    Lastly get active!
    There's no need to sign up to a gym or go on millions of runs a day to get more active, you can simply change the little things to make a great difference. Take the stairs instead of the lift, if you can walk instead of jumping in your car, and just generally move more. I aim to do at least 10,000 steps a day, which is about 5 miles.

    I use the Lifelog app to keep track of my fitness through out the day, I find this really motivates me to get up and move more- even if it is just walking to the kettle! There are loads of different fitness app, trackers and bands on the market, and it is definitely worth getting one.

    How are you staying healthy this year?

    AJ x

    P.S. As you can probably tell I'm new to bloging, so would really appreciate any feedback :)

    Friday, 6 January 2017

    New Year, New Resolutions

    Happy New Year!

    I'm not normally one for making resolutions, as truth be told I'm rubbish at keeping them, but this year is going to be different (well I hope so)! I've decided to set myself a few goals, so I can make the most of this year and look back next year and see what I've achieved or maybe not achieved.

    1. Make the most of every second- like they say time is precious so waste it wisely! I'm extremely lucky that myself, friends and family are all healthy and happy, but you never know when that might change and I don't want to have any regrets.

    2. Do the things I love. I love fashion, beauty, interiors and shopping- what girl doesn't? So I've decided to do something with my passion and start a blog. Whether people read it or not, it won't bother me as It's something I'll enjoy doing (but hopefully someone will :) ).

    3. Take steps to further my career. I'm currently working as an Events Fundraiser in the charity sector, which I really do enjoy but I don't know whether it's something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. The best part of my job is seeing the events come together after weeks, months or some times even years of planning. There's nothing more satisfying then coming home and putting your feet up after a successful event. I wanna take some courses and build up my knowledge in events and see what the future holds for me.

    So there they are, my three resolutions, now let's see if I can keep them!

    AJ x
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